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5 questions to help align your personal style and your authentic self


Personal Style & your Authentic Self

Have you ever worn an outfit that you love so much, you don’t want to take it off? It might have been something you always wanted, or that seemed to ‘call out to you’ from a shop window…

An outfit that feels like it was 'made for you'! If you have, then you’ll remember walking tall, with your head held high, brimming with confidence & feeling fearless. How come? Because authenticity begins when your inner world matches your outer world. Outfits that are perfectly matched to your inner self don’t make you feel like you are wearing a disguise, or putting on a costume to play a role. Instead, they empower you to proudly express who you really are, and to step into the best version of yourself! Here are 5 questions that will help you align your personal style with your authentic self:

Remember that feeling ‘fashionable’ can never outweigh feeling ‘comfortable in your own skin’. If you buy an item because you think you ‘should’, and because everyone else is wearing it, then it won’t feel like an authentic expression of who you really are! The likelihood is that you will feel insecure and self-conscious. Instead we want to aim for outfits that make you feel empowered and self-confident.

Clothes should be seen as a tool for increasing your happiness, joy, confidence and sense of wellbeing. If an item of clothing feels like it drags you down, or lowers your mood, then it should not be allowed to take up valuable space in your wardrobe! If you don’t feel good in it, then this will show on your face and in your body language. The best outfits lift your mood, and help you feel excited for the day ahead!

What others may think of you is far less important than how you feel about yourself. Of course, it’s natural to enjoy receiving compliments and feel that people ‘approve’ of us. But, if we scrutinise how others perceive us, and if we are worried about how they will judge us, then we adjust our choices accordingly and we’re no longer connecting with what we ourselves think, value, or personally like. This can make it very hard to make decisions.

No matter how amazing an outfit might look on a mannequin, we need to consider how it will affect our physiology. They say that the fastest way to change how you feel is by changing how you are physically moving your body (emotion comes from motion!) This can be used to create powerful states of self-confidence, but conversely, if an outfit is physically uncomfortable then it will make you feel socially awkward, and your confidence will shrink.

Our clothes are a form of non-verbal communication. Sometimes, we consciously or unconsciously choose outfits that stereotypically tell a story such as “I’m a successful business woman”. These outfits are more like a costume, or day-to-day uniform, but they lack personal touches to make them your own. Always ask, what can I do to authentically express something about myself in this outfit? Where’s the small tribute to ‘me’ in this?

The synergy of our inner and outer self has a profound knock-on effect, and usually manifests in many surprising aspects of a person’s life. Without the previous mismatching at their core, they usually experience a newfound sense of empowerment and feel free to be the person they were born to be. They might seek new relationships, or a new career path, or finally find the courage to change things that no longer bring them joy and instead pursue the happiness they deserve!

From the Style Coaching™ Training Manual – Chapter 5 – Stepping into the Inner Changing Room

Enroll now in our Style Coach™ Diploma course and become a certified expert in color analysis, fashion styling, image consulting and life coaching. Develop your skills and knowledge to help clients transform their personal style and confidence. Don't miss out on this opportunity to turn your passion for fashion into a rewarding career.

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